'It's lockdown; aside from your family, which four people, past or present, would you most like to be quarantined with?
-Shots Magazine, interview with Pete Chambers
In a short 5 question interview, Pete Chambers not only reveals the 4 people he would like to be quarantined with and why, he also talks about his favourite short films, and favourite games to play in family whilst in Lockdown.
Chambers also reflects on the impact the current situation is having, not only on himself, but he industry he works in.
Apart from his personal experience with being in a lockdown and still managing a company, Pete touches on how these extraordinary times are changing the industry, what are the challenges it is facing and how these tough times can bring some positive changes to the way we work.
To read the full article, please click on the link: https://www.shots.net/news/vie...